When pellets left the pellet mill, they are hot, soft, and release moisture.Before using and storing the pellet,we need to wait it cool down and become dry.
The simplest way is to separate the pellets,and cooling them down to the inner temprerature. Huasheng machinery put the material that needed to cool down in the upper side, the water vapor walks away along with the air movement.
The air moves upside through the pellet that need to cool down,it will takes away the heat and water vapor. When pellet left the cooling room,its temperature down to 5-10℃.When pellets moves in contrary with the air,they are exchanging the heat.the quality of pellet improves,the ash reduces. Once the pellet cooled down,they will become hard,smooth, flashing.
Cooling pellets is a skilful process.Too quick will lead its crack and lead the lignin not properly curable.,unable to form hardish pellet.Therefor,fast cooling will affect the quality of pellet, also add ash.